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Sunday, January 8, 2023



A migraine is a specific kind of headache that frequently includes a number of other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The pain from migraines can be excruciating and continue for several hours or even days. Aura, which might include visual abnormalities, changes in feeling, and other symptoms, frequently precedes them. Given that they are frequently run-in families, migraines are assumed to be brought on by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Although there is no known cure for migraines, there are a number of therapies that can lessen their frequency and intensity, including drugs and dietary adjustments


    There are numerous varieties of migraines, such as:

    1. Migraine with aura: This form of migraine is distinguished by the presence of aura, which are warning symptoms that often appear before to the headache. Aura might involve changes in sensation or other symptoms, as well as visual disruptions like light flashes or changes in vision.

    2. Migraine without aura: The most typical kind of migraine, this condition is characterised by a headache that is frequently accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

    3. Chronic migraine: This form of migraine is characterised by at least 8 headache days per month that match the migraine criteria and at least 15 headache days per month.

    4. Menstrual migraine: Women are more susceptible to this type of migraine, which is brought on by hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle.

    5. Hemiplegic migraine: This uncommon kind of migraine is marked by momentary weakness or paralysis on one side of the body in addition to other migraine symptoms.

    6. Ophthalmoplegic migraine: This uncommon type of migraine includes other migraine symptoms in addition to a momentary paralysis of the muscles surrounding the eye.

    A rare form of migraine known as a retinal migraine causes brief vision alterations, such as loss of vision or blind patches, in one eye.

    What is reasons for migraines?

    Although the precise aetiology of migraines is not entirely understood, it is believed that a combination of hereditary and environmental factors is to blame. The following are some examples of migraine triggers:

    1. Hormonal changes: For some people, fluctuations in oestrogen levels, such as those that happen during menstruation or menopause, can cause migraines.

    2. Stress: Migraines can be brought on by stress, tension, and anxiety.

    3. Environmental elements: Some elements, such as vivid lighting, loud noises, and potent odours, might cause migraines.

    4. Diet: Some people may experience migraines as a result of consuming certain foods and beverages, including alcohol, aged cheeses, and processed meats.

    5. Sleep: Modifications in sleep patterns, such as having too much or too little sleep, can cause headaches.

    6. Medications: Some drugs, including vasodilators and oral contraceptives, can cause migraines.

    7. Exercise: For some people, strenuous exercise or overexertion can cause migraines.

    8. Changes in the environment: Migraines may be brought on by variations in the temperature, altitude, or barometric pressure.

    Migraine signs and symptoms

    A migraine's primary signs and symptoms include a severe headache and sensitivity to light and sound.

     1. Vomiting and nausea may also be present.

    2. Appetite loss

    3. Visual modifications like blind areas or flashing lights

    4. Queasy or lightheadedness

    5. Concentration issues

    6. Tiredness

    7. Neck aches

    8. Sighing

    9. Pallor

    Aura, which are warning indications that appear before the headache starts, can also accompany migraines. Aura might involve different sensations or other symptoms, as well as visual abnormalities like flashing lights or changes in eyesight. Migraines can be highly severe and incapacitating, lasting for several hours or even days.

    Home remedies for the treatment of migraines

    There are a number of natural therapies that could lessen the intensity and frequency of migraines:

    1. Get adequate sleep: Getting enough sleep can aid in preventing migraines.

    2. Remain hydrated: By staying well-hydrated, migraines that are brought on by dehydration can be avoided.

    3.Reduce stress: Since stress is a frequent migraine trigger, adopting methods to manage stress, including breathing exercises or relaxation techniques, can help to prevent headaches.

    4. Maintain a nutritious diet: Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help to prevent migraines. Trigger foods, such as alcohol, old cheeses, and processed meats, should be avoided.

    5. Keep away from bright lights and loud noises: These triggers should be avoided if possible, and utilising protective equipment, such as sunglasses or earplugs, can assist.

    6. Apply a hot or cold compress to the affected area. Applying a hot or cold compress to the neck or forehead can assist to lessen migraine pain.

    7. Use over-the-counter pain relievers: NSAIDs, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help to lessen the pain associated with a migraine.

    8. Use essential oils: Peppermint and lavender are two essential oils that may help lessen the intensity of a migraine.

    9. Try relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are all approaches that may assist to lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines.

    How to manage migraines using ayurvedic medicine

    Ayurvedic therapies include the following and may lessen migraine frequency and intensity:

    1. Aromatherapy: Using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and sandalwood in aromatherapy may help to lessen the intensity of migraines.

    2. Acupressure: To treat pain and other symptoms, acupressure involves applying pressure to particular places on the body. The base of the skull, the palms of the hands, and the temples are a few acupressure spots that may be useful for treating migraines.

    3. Ayurvedic herbs: Spices like ginger, turmeric, and sankhpushpi may lessen the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

    4. Yoga: Yoga can assist in lowering tension and stress, which can cause migraines.

    5. Abhyanga: This Ayurvedic massage technique involves massaging the head, neck, and shoulders with heated oil. It can ease stress and boost circulation, which may aid in reducing the risk of migraines.

    6. Shirodhara: This procedure involves pouring warm oil over the forehead in a stream. It can aid in mental relaxation and stress reduction, which may assist to ward off migraines.

    7. Nasya: This medical procedure involves rubbing medicinal oil into the nostrils. It may aid in reducing headache frequency by enhancing neck and head circulation.

    It is crucial to remember that these remedies should be used along with other migraine prevention techniques, such as avoiding triggers and following a doctor's orders for medicine.

    How to treat a migraine using homoeopathic

    There are various homoeopathic treatments that could be beneficial for easing migraine symptoms, including:

    1. Belladonna: For migraines that strike suddenly and are accompanied by excruciating throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and noise, and a flushed face, this medicine may be useful.

    2. Bryonia: This medication might be useful for migraines that are accompanied by a headache that gets worse with movement and better with pressure.

    3. Iris versicolor: For migraines that are accompanied by a headache that is worse on the right side and that are also accompanied by nausea and dizziness, this cure may be useful.

    4. Gelsemium: This treatment may be useful for migraines accompanied by a headache that worsens with mental and physical exertion, is accompanied by exhaustion, and is accompanied by dizziness.

    5. Natrum muriaticum: This treatment may be useful for migraines brought on by emotional stress and characterized by a headache that is worse in the morning and relieved by cold compresses.

    A homoeopathic practitioner or healthcare provider should always be consulted before taking any new remedies. It is significant to remember that homoeopathic remedies should be chosen based on the precise symptoms being experienced.

    How to treatment migraine by yoga method

    Here are some yoga poses that could help with migraine symptom relief:

    1. The child's pose can help to quiet the mind and relax the body. Starting on your hands and knees, move your arms forward until they are in front of your head to perform this pose. Your forehead should be resting on the earth as you bring your hips back toward your heels. Hold this position while taking many long breaths.

    2. Corpse posture, sometimes referred to as savasana, can help the body relax and relieve stress. To perform this pose, lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides. Put your eyes closed and take a few long, deep breaths, concentrating on relaxing every muscle in your body.

    3. Downward-facing dog: This position can promote circulation while also stretching and strengthening the body. Starting on your hands and knees, pull your hips up toward the ceiling to perform this pose. As much as you can, straighten your legs and press your heels into the ground. Hold this position while taking many long breaths.

        4. Cat-cow pose: This pose can help to stretch the back and neck muscles, which may be tense during a migraine. To do this pose, start on your hands and knees and alternate between rounding your spine towards the ceiling (cat pose) and arching your back towards the ground (cow pose). Do this slowly and smoothly, taking several deep breaths in each pose.

    It's important to listen to your body and only do poses that feel comfortable and beneficial. If you have any concerns about practicing yoga or trying these poses, be sure to consult with a healthcare provider.


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