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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Vitamin D


Meaning of Vitamin D

The fat-soluble vitamin vitamin D, sometimes referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," is crucial for maintaining strong bones, a healthy immune system, and general wellbeing. Vitamin D can be received from food sources including fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products, as well as from sunshine exposure, which the body uses to generate it. Vitamin D insufficiency can result in brittle bones, an increased risk of infection, and depression. Adults should consume at least 600–800 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily; older adults and people with specific medical disorders should consume larger amounts.

Types Of Vitamin D

Two primary forms of vitamin D are as follows:

These are the two primary forms of vitamin D:

1.Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is a kind of vitamin D that can be found in plants, such as mushrooms. Compared to vitamin D3, it is less active and not as efficiently absorbed by the body.

2. Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) - The body produces this type of vitamin D when skin is exposed to sunshine. Compared to vitamin D2, it is more effective and easier for the body to absorb. It is also present in several foods, including as egg yolks and fatty fish, and is the form that is present in the majority of dietary supplements.

It's vital to remember that vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D that should be taken as a supplement in order to stay at healthy levels.

Deficiency of Vitamin D

A vitamin D deficiency can have negative effects on health, especially on the bones and muscles. The following are some typical signs of vitamin D deficiency:

. Increased risk of fractures and brittle bones (osteoporosis)

. Delayed healing of a wound

. Muscle ache and weakness

. Fatigue and unwell feelings in general

. Risk of respiratory infections is elevated with depression.

. Immune system dysfunction

. Elevated blood pressure

. Elevated risk of some malignancies

. Chance of autoimmune diseases rising

It is crucial that those at higher risk of deficiency—older adults, those with dark skin, those who are overweight or obese, and those who don't get much sun exposure—obtain enough vitamin D. An adult should consume 600–800 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily, either from food or supplements. Higher doses, however, might be advised in some circumstances. It is best to always seek medical advice from a doctor or other healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

Source of Vitamin D

There are numerous ways to get vitamin D, including:

1. Sunshine: When skin is exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is produced by the body. It's crucial to remember that too much sun exposure might cause skin cancer and premature ageing.

2. Food: Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel), egg yolks, fortified dairy products, and fortified cereals are among foods that are high in vitamin D.

3. Supplements: There are several different types of vitamin D supplements available, including tablets, capsules, and liquids. People who are at risk of deficiency, such as elderly folks, those with dark skin, and those who do not get much sun exposure, are frequently advised to take them.

4. Foods with vitamin D fortification include various varieties of orange juice, yoghurt, and morning cereals. It is significant to highlight that getting vitamin D via supplements and sunlight is more effective than getting it from food sources. To ensure you are getting enough vitamin D, it is advised to go outside in the sun or take supplements.

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency using ayurvedic medicine

There are various natural treatments for addressing vitamin D insufficiency offered by the traditional Indian medical system known as ayurveda. Typical ayurveda treatments include:

1. Guggulu: This herb is renowned for its ability to boost immune function and increase bone health. It can be applied topically as a cream or taken orally as pills.

2. Amla: This fruit's high antioxidant and vitamin C content can aid in enhancing the body's absorption of vitamin D. It can be consumed as juice or in the form of capsules.

3. Shankhapushpi: This plant is said to aid in calcium absorption, which is critical for keeping healthy bones. It can be consumed as a tea or in the form of capsules.

4. Guduchi: This herb is well renowned for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It can be consumed as a decoction or in the form of capsules.

5. Ashwagandha: This plant may facilitate calcium absorption and enhance overall bone health. It can be consumed as a powder or in the form of capsules.

Before ingesting any herb or supplement, it is always advised to speak with an Ayurvedic doctor. They will assess your health and make a recommendation for the best course of action.

How to treat a vitamin D deficit using homoeopathy

Homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine that stimulates the body's inherent healing processes by using greatly diluted natural chemicals. Some homoeopathic treatments for a vitamin D shortage include the following:

1. Calcarea carbonica: People who are prone to bone weakening and have a history of slow wound healing are frequently advised to use this therapy.

2. Calcarea phosphorica: People with weak bones, weakened muscles, and a propensity to feel cold are frequently advised to take this medication.

3.Silicea: People who have a history of bone fractures and sluggish wound healing are frequently advised to use this medication. 4. Phosphorus: This treatment is frequently suggested for those who experience weakness and frequently get respiratory infections. 5. Calcarea fluorica: This therapy is frequently suggested for those with brittle bones and a propensity for arthritis and bone spurs.

It is crucial to remember that homoeopathy treatment should be given by a licenced homoeopath who can assess your condition and suggest the best course of action for you.

How to use yoga to treat a vitamin D deficiency

Yoga helps to develop flexibility, strength, and balance, which can help to reduce falls and fractures, making it a useful supplemental treatment for a vitamin D deficiency.

1. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): When you execute this series of yoga positions while facing the sun, your body produces more vitamin D.

2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana): By strengthening the muscles and bones, these poses can lessen the risk of fractures and falls.

3. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana): By improving blood flow to the upper body, this pose can aid in better nutritional absorption, including calcium.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): By strengthening the spine and enhancing posture, this pose can lessen the risk of falls and fractures.

5. Camel Pose (Ustrasana): This posture helps to improve posture and lower the risk of falls and fractures by enhancing flexibility in the spine and chest.

To ensure that you are performing the poses safely and correctly, yoga should be practiced under the instruction of a certified yoga teacher.


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